Laser Scanning - Book your survey


Laser scanning forms a major part of our measured building service where our 3D laser scanners deliver a high definition output. These can be used alongside traditional-style surveying equipment or as a complete alternative to total stations.

Laser scanning carries numerous advantages over more traditional methods as the surveyor can quickly and easily collect a large amount of data over a relatively short period of time. This data is the combination of millions of data points which, when put together, forms a point cloud image of the survey area.


  • Can capture data quickly and more effectively than traditional methods.

  • Delivers an all-encompassing survey creating point clouds and Revit models for BIM.

  • Suitable for a range of project sectors including historic and heritage schemes.

  • Ideal solution for sites containing hazardous or limited access areas.

  • All data can be used for exporting to CAD software or other rendering systems.


The perfect add-on to the suite of technical drawings and data you receive as part of your measured building survey. High definition visual representation enabling you to bring a project to life.


Fully-connected measured floor plans available as standalone drawings or as part of a broader project including the structure and surrounding areas.


Accurate, detailed and fully-measured internal and external elevations of building and structures showing architectural details, construction materials, dimensions, and levels.


Cut-through profiles and views across the building or structure providing additional detail and information to a project.